Wednesday, July 26, 2006

stupid remodeling...

So I thought fixing up my bedroom would only take 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) but I just happened to choose the hottest friggen weekend to start painting... so Saturday was a bummer, all I got around to was priming the paint because it was so damn hot and I really didn't know what I should've been doing. I also pulled off the carpet on Saturday...

Sunday came around and I think all I got around to was painting the place and cleaning the floor.

Monday... had work so after work I worked diligently cleaning the damn floor... I found out that methanol works better than paint thinner in taking off that carpet glue gunk but it was still a pain in the ass. Didn't buy gloves until late Monday evening so I was using methanol on bare hands =X. Also got around to taping up the stupid trim areas (door, window, closet, etc.) -- that took about 1-2 hours.

Tuesday... painted most of the trim, and laid down my first piece. Took about 3 hours to paint the trim and go over everything (that's the longest part, trying to get all the spots you missed after sunset).

And now today. My rant. IKEA Tundra laminate flooring review: it sucks. The little flash installation thingy on IKEA's website makes it look really easy but it's really not. The stupid sides don't go flush together so I've been having to sand down every piece about 5-10 minutes just to get them to fit together right. Add to that the fact that they're really really hard to get them to sit perfectly in line (short 0.5mm displacements really fuck up your whole floor) and well... I've laid down about 3 rows and I'm tired. I really want to get back to sleeping in my own room, as the living room couch sucks but I really don't like spending so much stupid time on sanding. At least it's easy to cut (cuz it's laminate, not wood).

le sigh. back to sanding.


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